Prostatitis test
Many men do not want to
admit to themselves that they have prostatitis and try as long as possible to
pull the visiting of the doctor. But if men really have this disease then it is
something that cannot be delayed. You need to consult your doctor as soon as
possible. To understand how serious is the situation men look on the Internet
for a lot of information, read articles while to understand it is enough to
pass a prostatitis test that includes several questions.
About prostatitis test
In 1992 was proposed a
symptom indicator consisting of 7 questions but included one additional issue
related to the quality of life. This questionnaire is called the IPSS and is
recommended as an official tool for evaluating patients with prostate adenoma
but men prefer to call it simply a prostatitis test. The IPSS scale allows
assessing the severity of symptoms in patients with urinary disorders. By the
number of points the doctor determines the degree of severity of symptoms in
the patient and selects one or another type of treatment. The results of
filling the questionnaire of the IPSS scale or prostatitis test can
be fully interpreted only at the reception of a doctor who before giving any
assessments will thoroughly examine the patient’s complaints and history of the
disease, examine him, conduct other analyzes and studies aimed at identifying
the causes of urinary disorders. In this regard, one should not attempt to
obtain a virtual interpretation of the prostatitis test questionnaire
and any recommendations for examination or treatment with prostatitis
medication. It is intended only to make it convenient for you to
print it out, fill it out and bring it to a doctor.
Before embolization of
the arteries of the prostate each patient needs to undergo an evaluation of the
symptoms of prostate adenoma according to the IPSS prostatitis test. Six
months after the operation, the test should be repeated to assess the degree of
symptom regression and the effectiveness of the embolization. In most cases,
the diagnosis of prostate adenoma is made without any difficulties. Already at
questioning the trough of the patient the doctor can presumably put this
diagnosis. You can independently answer test questions without resorting to
additional research. The total score allows you to preliminarily assess the
severity and persuasiveness of existing prostate disorders and potency problems.
Since the process of
identifying complaints is highly subjective and largely depends on the
individual characteristics of the doctor, special questionnaires have been
created for standardization. They also help to observe the process of
treatment, revealing the dynamics of symptoms. This prostatitis test consists
of 8 questions. The answers to the first 7 range from 0 to 5 depending on the
severity of the symptom. Thus, the maximum score for symptoms can reach 35. The
sum of points is divided as follows:
0-7 – weakly expressed
8 – 19 – mild
20 – 35 – severe
The 8th question
of prostatitis test clarifies the impact of the disease on the
quality of life of the patient and is estimated from 0 to 6 points. Although
this single issue cannot fully cover the effect on the quality of life of
symptoms of impaired urination, suggesting a violation of urinary bladder
outflow, it can nevertheless serve as a starting point in a doctor-patient
conversation about this important issue.
Questions of online
prostatitis test:
Never |
Less than 1 time out
of 5 |
Less than in half
cases |
Approximately in half
cases |
More often than in
half cases |
Almost all the time |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1. How often during the
last month did you have a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after
2. How often during the
last month did you have to urinate more often than 2 hours after the last
3. How often did you
have intermittent urination during the last month?
4. How often during the
last month it was difficult for you to temporarily abstain from urinating?
5. How often during the
last month you had a weak urine stream?
6. How often during the
last month did you have to strain to start urinating?
7. How often during the
last month did you have to get up at night from bed to urinate?
How would you feel if
you had to live with your existing problems with urination for the rest of
your life? |
Very good |
Good |
Satisfactorily |
Mixed feeling |
Unsatisfactorily |
Bad |
Very bad |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
The recommendation for
the diagnosis and treatment of prostate adenoma indicates that the online
prostatitis test is part of the initial examination of patients with
prostate adenoma. It should be used only to describe and count the symptoms of
prostatic adenoma and to evaluate the results of treatment objectively. The
jackal of symptoms alone cannot be used to select the method of treatment for a
particular patient. The current practice of using the system of quantitative
assessment of subjective symptoms of prostatic adenoma by urologists suggests
that the widespread use of the IPSS prostatitis test in a
comprehensive assessment of the condition of prostatic adenoma patients will
allow for a differentiated approach to tactics treatment, providing both its
best results and greater objectivity in assessing its effectiveness.
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