Peculiarities of men’s health after 50
The question “at what age men must stop having sex” is still topical and causes a lot of disputes. Opposite to the popular opinion, eagerness and ability to lead an active intimate life is preserved in men after 50, 60, even after 70 years. It is well known that the apogee of sexual activity in men is at age of 16-25, and after 50 men encounter age-related changes, nevertheless, it doesn’t hinder preservation of male force and get the complete satisfaction of lovemaking.
There are a few causes for the weakening of potency in aging men. The main cause could be called low levels of sex hormones. Decrease of production of sex hormones begins at 25 in everybody. This process cannot be blocked and in the future the majority of men experience lack of hormones which, consequently, affects sexual function. In his younger years, as a rule, decreased hormone production is not noticeable for a man, but by age 50, or earlier, in one degree or another, appears androgen deficiency.
Another cause for the decrease in male sexual potency after 50 is the narrowing of blood vessels. With age, they lose their elasticity and get narrowed, resulting in slowed down flow of blood through the vessels that negatively influences male force, because the blood into the penis enters through small vessels. Cardiovascular illnesses also play an important role. The organism is unable to control cholesterol levels, so it is deposited on the walls of circulatory system, leading to strokes and heart attacks, coronary artery disease. Even if a man does not suffer from any cardiovascular ailment, heart muscle with age anyway becomes weaker and less workable, due to this fact worsens blood supply to the genitals.
The cause for the weakened potency could also be such ailments as prostatitis, urethritis and other that affect seniors.
The main change in the organism of a senior is reduction of sensitivity of tissues to testosterone. As a consequence, a person requires longer time for a full erection; he can quicken the process by massaging the testicles and scrotum. Due decreased susceptibility of penile tissue intercourse duration increases from 4-10 to 20 minutes and more. The benefit is that after 30-40 years, practically all men stop to complain about premature ejaculation. Also increases time required to rest between sexual acts. It should also worth noting that, after 50 men are more prone to prolonged foreplay which can bring lots of delight to their partners.
It is best to prevent problems with potency, until they become an obstacle to your personal life. First of all, you need to maintain your sexual activity. Physical activity is one of the healthy habits which have a direct connection with sexual activity. Studies show that men who burn an average at least 200 calories daily due to physical exercise, are much less likely to suffer from the problems in sexual sphere. However, remember that not all types of physical activity are equally useful. For instance, men who ride a bike often, have practically the same chances of becoming impotent, like those who do not do sports at all. This is due to clamping of nerve endings and blood circulation in the penis.
To prevent atherosclerosis, it is necessary to exclude from your diet unhealthy fats, lose weight and quit smoking.
You should also check your medications, because erectile dysfunction could be a negative reaction to some of them. Be sure to consult with your physician and read the instructions to medicines, especially if you are taking medications associated with depression, high blood pressure, heartburn, psychosis, prostate adenoma and high cholesterol. But it should be remembered that on the pharmacological market exist medicines that can help to keep sexual force. Make sure to talk to your health care provider about properties, advantages and where to buy Apcalis oral jelly, Viagra, Cialis or Levitra.
After 50 in men greatly increase requirements in the vitamin D; after all, the lack of this element leads to osteoporosis, disorders of nervous and cardiac activity, problems with sleep, and so on. Moreover due to vitamin D penis retains its function.
To improve erection you also need to perform some special physical exercises. Many men think that only women should do the exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. But these practices are also for men to improve their sexual performance. Representatives of the stronger sex can keep their pelvic floor muscles in tone by stopping the flow of urine during urination, then quickly tensing and relaxing the muscles around 30-50 times three times a day.
When seniors should not have sex
If a senior has serious chronic illnesses (hypertension, illness of the cardiovascular system etc) he should abstain from lovemaking. Sex is a really nice, but still stress for an organism, followed by increased pressure and require considerable physical effort that may negatively influence the progression of mentioned above illnesses.
What you need to be aware of?
Sex drive preserves after 50. Many believe that sex drive in men persists not only after 50, but until the end of life. This only depends at the physical and psychological health of the senior.
Quality of sex after 50 years depends on daily habits of man in his younger years. The ability to implement your sexual desire directly depends on health, which in turn, depends greatly on the daily habits.
Conducting active intimate life in the older years are able those who have exercised systematically, maintained a healthy diet and refrained from harmful habits during the former years of life. An important factor that has a strong negative influence on men’s force is stress, which is also must be avoided. The great value has the sexual activity of men in their adolescence and adulthood: the more regular and varied sex life was up to 50 years the more chances there are to take pleasure in sex in senior years.
The risk of pregnancy is maintained. Despite the fact that the quality of sperm decreases because of insufficient sensitivity to testosterone, the risk of pregnancy persists regardless of the age of man. Sperm remains active not only in semen, but also in male lubrication.
Saving your sex appeal is not that difficult. With age, many men feel insecure because of their own sex appeal. But keep in mind that it all depends on your habits and self-care.
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