
Showing posts with the label low libido

Signs of low testosterone

It is well known to everybody that indicators of hormonal balance go down with age, but too low levels of androgens can greatly undermine health of the stronger sex representatives. Testosterone is a substance that makes a man manly, so maintaining the decent level of it in adulthood helps to strengthen muscles, bones, makes the voice deeper and increases libido. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to recognize the signs of low testosterone levels in order to seek qualified help in time and restore normal life and health. Usually testosterone levels in men are reduced by 1-3% per year after 30-35 years however, this process may start earlier, and its rate may increase to a significant 5%. Medicine calls this period the andropause, conducting an analogue with female menopause. As the level of testosterone and other hormones decreases gradually, many men do not notice any alarming symptoms and do not try to change anything. In this case, regular strength workouts, diet and use of a ...

8 things that blunt sexual desire

Recently it was found that the degree of sexual desire can be affected by the most common at first glance things. How many people know that an unhealthy diet or excessive passion for computer games can be reasons that people just do not want to have sex or fails to achieve orgasm? To protect bed disappointments for both men and women would be useful to know what not most obvious factors every day violate the harmony of their intimate life. 1. Stuffy nose. One of the main reasons for the suppression of libido is lack of sense of smell as in lovemaking scents play an important role. If a person’s nose is stuffed up he will not be able to smell invaded the human body and thus warm up their excitement. With the same “success” the men’s desire affects viral infections that reduce testosterone. 2. Frozen Feet. Cold feet prevent the onset of the female orgasm. In order to eliminate all risks the girls should make love in cute socks: they help to maintain optimal body temperature which...

What are the 8 men’s and women’s problems?

Women and men have many different problems but there are those that affect all the factors of life. If a man or a woman is sexually dissatisfied then they may become stressed and as a consequence it will influence completely life, including work. In this article we identified 8 men’s and women’s problems, that is for each it is four problems. And the most important is that if you have one of these problems then you need to solve it immediately because such habits can cause even more serious problems. Male problem number 1 is an unhealthy lifestyle. It would seem what the connection between sex and way of life? However, doctors say that the most direct. Small physical activity, absence of walks in the fresh air, “beach” rest – this way of life accelerates the onset of the male menopause what affects the behavior of a man in bed. Menopause in men comes from 55 years and is significantly different from women, for example, men are able to continue to conceive children and age impotence doe...