Have you heard about the best potency pills?

Have you heard about the best potency pills? Which tablets for penis standing are the most effective and fast? This question is popular among men suffering from ED, unstable erection or decreased libido. Nowadays, medicines of synthetic origin are often used to normalize potency. They are effective, but, unfortunately, they have a number of contraindications and side effects.

The word “Viagra” has become a part of our vocabulary. It designates any means that increases male power. This medicine for impotence appeared relatively recently – in 1998 but as a common noun is already used by all. What are best potency pills, what do they help and can they be hoped for by men who have lost the opportunity to have sex?

Who are recommended the best potency pills:

• Men who have no problems with potency can use this drug. They will make the sexual sensations bright and sharp, intensify the desire.

• They can be taken by representatives of the stronger sex of any age who have temporary abnormalities. That is, there is an erection but it is not always possible to support it. When you take a pill you do not ask yourself the frightening question “What if?” because the drug supports the erectile function and eliminates discomfort both at the beginning of the sexual act and in its process. The absence of the erection is not a drawback with which one can be reconciled. Sexual life should be normal because it is a pledge of well-being and stable relationships with the second half.

Erectile dysfunction is not a sign of age. It is a disease that must be treated. By taking best potency pills you will feel confident in your masculine power and will not deprive yourself of the pleasures of sex. This pill liberates men, as sexual arousal increases. If earlier you were striving for one thing – to finish the sexual act sooner while there is still the erection now there will be enough time for foreplay, kissing and for sexual fantasies. But also it is important to choose the most suitable medication and usually men choose one of the best potency pills. It is obtained solely with stimulation or in the field of view of the exciting object.

Best potency pills in order of popularity:

1. First, of course is Viagra because it is the most famous remedy for the normalization of an erection. 

The active component of the drug for men is Sildenafil citrate. This substance is a selective inhibitor of cGMP phosphodiesterase type 5. In order to understand how Viagra works and similar preparations, it must be remembered that for the onset of erection there must be a release of nitric oxide in the cavernous body. It increases the effectiveness of nitric oxide by inhibiting PDE-5. But we must remember that Viagra is only a sexual stimulant and is unable to restore potency, if erectile dysfunction is a consequence of violations in the work of blood vessels.

How to take Viagra? Tablets are recommended to drink 60 minutes before sexual intercourse. Single dose is 50 mg. But if the effectiveness is poorly expressed then it is allowed to raise the dosage to 100 mg. Elderly patients (from 65 years of age) should not increase the dose. Side effects are insignificant, do not cause harm to the body and, as a rule, pass within two hours after using the product. They may occur with an overdose or prolonged use of the drug. Viagra is a synthetic agent for potency. And it has contraindications. First, the drug is contraindicated for people suffering from allergies to Sildenafil citrate or ancillary components of the medication. Also contraindications include children’s age (till 18 years) and simultaneous reception of nitrates. Relative contraindications include anatomical deformations of the penis, stomach ulcer and duodenum, heart disease, anemia, myeloma, thrombocytopenia, leukemia. It is forbidden to use the drug, especially at a dosage of 100 mg, if a person has recently had a stroke or a myocardial infarction.

Viagra tablet

2. The second among best potency pills is Cialis. It is the only remedy that has a record effect for a long time – 36 hours. Within one and a half days a man can make attempts to intercourse. Each tablet contains 5, 10 or 20 mg of Tadalafil. The drug has no effect on libido. The recommended daily dose of the drug is 20 mg. The remedy is used at least 16 minutes before the onset of sexual activity, regardless of the time of meal. Only one tablet can be used per day. Side effect is rare, with a strong overdose – more than 100 mg per day. The most common headache is 11% and dyspepsia is 7%. If you take these medications for a long time then the side effect ceases to manifest. Contraindications to the use of the remedy may be:

Simultaneous reception of nitrates;

Severe renal insufficiency;

A heart attack experienced during the last three months;

Predisposition to priapism;

Anatomical deformation of the penis.

The drug should not be used together with other drugs that improve sexual function.

Cialis tablet

3. Third place of list of best potency pills takes Levitra. The therapeutic drug Levitra is different from other means for improving erection by a stable effect – about 92% of patients experience the effect of using the drug from the first tablet. It is available in pills of 5, 10 and 20 mg of Vardenafil. The drug begins to work 20-30 minutes after taking the pill and ends only after 10-12 hours. The starting dose of the drug is 10 mg and the maximum daily dose is 20 mg. Smaller doses can be used if a man with this amount of the drug feels confident. The intake of food or small doses of alcohol does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Tablets for potency are well tolerated but the occurrence of side effects is possible. A man can feel: back pain, dizziness, muscle pain, increased muscle tone, drowsiness or temporary vision disorder.

Levitra pills for the treatment of impotence is not recommended for men who have cardiovascular disease and if the patient has had a heart attack or stroke in the next six months. Contraindications include very high blood pressure, severe renal failure, multiple myeloma, leukemia, congenital prolongation of the QT interval. When using tablets, there are no warnings on driving.

Levitra tablet

4. Fourth place takes Kamagra Gold. It is taken one tablet a day for 30-40 minutes before sexual activity. Repeated reception during the day can cause an increase in side effects. The drug temporarily strengthens the flow of blood to the penis, improving the erection. The action of the active substance is calculated for 4-5 hours. Tablets can be used with food and alcohol: a glass of wine, a glass of vodka, a liter of beer. With improper admission, slight side effects may occur: photophobia, headache, heat, dizziness.

kamagra tablet

5. And of course among best potency pills you will see Tadacip. Drug from impotence “Tadacip” contains active substance Tadalafil which is part of “Cialis”. It is taken for 20-30 minutes before intimacy, not more than 20 mg of substance per day. The effect of the drug is visible for one and a half days. Tablets can be used together with a small amount of alcohol and fatty foods – the effect will not be reduced. Alcohol abuse can affect the occurrence of headaches, lower blood pressure. Successful treatment of causes of weak erection according to statistics is about 90%. When using tablets there may be a side effect: nasal congestion, eyelid swelling, pain in the eyes, back pain. The product cannot be used for men under 18 years old, with acute cardiac, renal and hepatic insufficiency, significant deformations of the penis. The drug does not combine with other drugs to improve potency.

Tadacip tablet

6. Sixth place takes a new drug Silagra. Branded drug is produced in tablets of 100 mg of Sildenafil. It is taken on half the tablet – 50 mg of Sildenafil once a day. Do not use more than 100 mg of medication at a time. The drug should be taken 30 minutes before the alleged sexual activity. The substance lasts up to 5 hours. Among the main side effects that are rarely manifested headache and flushes of blood to the face. The drug is not compatible with other drugs to treat erectile dysfunction and nitrates in any form. Silagra is contraindicated for people with chronic heart and vascular diseases, allergy to components. If there is a stomach ulcer, myeloma, penile deformity and leukemia – it is necessary to consult with a specialist before taking the tablets.

Silagra tablet

7. And the last place in the list of the best potency pills takes Generic Cialis Soft. Tablets contain the same component as “Cialis” with identical contraindications and side effects. Tablets differ in the form of release – they should be dissolved under the tongue. This allows you to begin to show effect in 10-15 minutes. Tablets for potency problem – this is a temporary measure that is used by men who are unable due to any circumstances to normal sexual life. Drugs often help with the first intake and are allowed for daily use but still not get involved in them. They do not increase the libido so you have to count only on improved potency and quality erection.

Cialis Soft tablet

Of course this is not the complete list of Top ED medications but it is the best potency pills among it. The choice is yours but our duty is to show you the most effective ones. There is another way to facilitate a selection. Have you heard about trial pack for potency? It is a pack of three different medication and you try each of them to choose one and not to buy a lot of pills at the first place.


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