Signs of low testosterone

It is well known to everybody that indicators of hormonal balance go down with age, but too low levels of androgens can greatly undermine health of the stronger sex representatives. Testosterone is a substance that makes a man manly, so maintaining the decent level of it in adulthood helps to strengthen muscles, bones, makes the voice deeper and increases libido. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to recognize the signs of low testosterone levels in order to seek qualified help in time and restore normal life and health.

low testosterone

Usually testosterone levels in men are reduced by 1-3% per year after 30-35 years however, this process may start earlier, and its rate may increase to a significant 5%. Medicine calls this period the andropause, conducting an analogue with female menopause.

As the level of testosterone and other hormones decreases gradually, many men do not notice any alarming symptoms and do not try to change anything. In this case, regular strength workouts, diet and use of a number of minerals can increase testosterone.

What is a low level of the androgen?

A low level of this substance is determined by quantity of less than 300 nanograms per deciliter of blood.

Unlike menopause in women, when the level of estrogen decreases with each month, the andropause is a gradual decrease in testosterone levels over the years. The effect of this process on the organism can be hidden, and the syndromes for a long time remain unnoticed.

The effect of low testosterone on health

Sometimes men who have a low level of testosterone, during sleep experience a stop of breathing. It also happens that men develop benign prostatic hypertrophy, erythrocytosis or congestive heart failure.

Therefore, men who have noticed syndromes of low testosterone should urgently consult a physician.

So, signs of a sharp decrease in testosterone:

Low sexual activity

Testosterone plays a key role in sexual attraction in men. With age, they may experience a slight decrease in sexual desire due to the fact that they begin to age. But if there is a sharp drop in sexual desire, then this is the first sign that not everything is in order with testosterone. Pheromones sometimes can return the previous sexual fervor.

Erection problems

Testosterone stimulates not only male sexual attraction, but also helps in achieving an erection. It does not cause it, but stimulates the receptors in the brain, which help to achieve erection. When amounts of testosterone in the organism are too low, a man may begin to experience difficulties in achieving an erection.

Decreased sperm count

This sex hormone plays an important role in sperm production. If a man has noticed a decrease in the volume of sperm, then it makes sense to check the hormonal balance.

Hair loss

Alopecia is a natural process during the aging of many men. However, with a sharp decrease in the quantity of this substance in the blood, baldness can occur much earlier.

Dismal mood, depression

We, people, completely dependent on the balance of hormones and of course they have a great influence on the behavioral function of men, responsible for the stability of the psyche to stressful situations, the craving for life and ambitiousness. The duration and stability of the depressed state, as well as sharp mood swings, may indicate a change in the level of the main male hormone in the direction of its decrease. This state is associated with the so-called middle age crisis.

Decrease in muscle mass, strength and endurance

Testosterone has an anabolic effect on the organism, i.e., promotes muscle growth, development of strength and endurance. Many sports are completely dependent on the effects of testosterone, let’s say, bodybuilding, powerlifting, etc. Androgens interfere with the destructive processes (catabolism) in the muscles. Therefore, loss of muscle mass is a direct sign of androgen deficiency.

Increased adipose tissue deposits

This hormone accelerates metabolism. Due to this, men are less susceptible to obesity than women. With a sufficient level of androgens, the man is protected from excess adipose tissue. Problems begin when the testosterone level decreases and its protective functions weaken. It is noteworthy that a low level of sex hormones may cause excessive deposition of adipose tissue and obesity provokes androgen insufficiency. So, a vicious circle is created, which leads to even greater aggravation of the state. That is why the normalization of the hormonal balance, among other things, includes treatment of male obesity.

Reduced vitality

Feeling of constant fatigue, apathy to previously loved pursuits, long recovery after physical exertion all this indicates lack of vital energy.

Reduction of secondary sexual characteristics

The beard doesn’t grow as fast as before? Body hair began to thin? It looks like a typical picture of reduced testosterone. All this will disappear together with testosterone. If hormonal imbalance is observed in boys before and during puberty, then secondary sexual characteristics may not manifest themselves at all. For example, there will be no coarsening of the voice, an Adam’s lip, formation of a figure according to the male type (in the shape of a triangle, when the shoulders are wider than the waist), no hair of the body and face, no normal development of the external genital organs, and so on.

Breast enlargement

Reduction of sex hormones can be a consequence of an increase in the hormones of testosterone antagonists. For example, gynecomastia in men is characterized by an increase in the level of estrogen female sex hormones. Lowering the density of bone mass (osteoporosis)

Testosterone builds the bone tissue; helps to absorb calcium from food and distribute this element to those parts of the human organism when it is needed, strengthening the skeleton. It is known that reduction in bone density corresponds to a decrease in the level of free testosterone, which makes it possible to consider androgen deficiency as one of the main causes underlying the pathogenesis of osteoporosis.

Reduced cognitive abilities

In addition to impairing the mental abilities of the individual, the central nervous system may suffer from various sleep disorders, mood changes, impaired creativity and rapid fatigue.

Problems with urination

It manifests as frequent urination, or night urge. But it should be ensured that urination disorders are not associated with prostate adenoma.


Deficiency of this androgen can lead to anemia — a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. In turn, the presence of anemia in men can provoke androgen deficiency.

If you noticed the above symptoms of reduced testosterone, then do not postpone the visit to a physician. Experts will conduct a survey, make a blood test and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate types of testosterone therapy.


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