Birth control pills and alcohol
Usually hormonal contraceptives do not cause significant changes in a woman’s life. This means that she still goes to parties, holidays and on dates, where often is present alcohol and there is temptation to have a glass of wine or a cocktail. However, many believe that alcohol reduces the effect of birth control pills, leading to an unwanted pregnancy. Today we will talk about the correct combination of alcohol and oral contraceptives. Usually, when you decide to use oral contraceptives, you must realize that you’re going to use these pills for a long time; accordingly, manufacturers do not run the risk of limiting their potential customers in the use of alcohol. As a rule, there are no direct contraindications, but having decided to combine these two factors, one must become acquainted with their interaction and possible negative consequences. Many girls and women ask themselves: “can I drink alcohol when I’m on BC pills?” The basis of these medicines consists of female sex horm...