
Showing posts with the label testosterone

Signs of low testosterone

It is well known to everybody that indicators of hormonal balance go down with age, but too low levels of androgens can greatly undermine health of the stronger sex representatives. Testosterone is a substance that makes a man manly, so maintaining the decent level of it in adulthood helps to strengthen muscles, bones, makes the voice deeper and increases libido. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to recognize the signs of low testosterone levels in order to seek qualified help in time and restore normal life and health. Usually testosterone levels in men are reduced by 1-3% per year after 30-35 years however, this process may start earlier, and its rate may increase to a significant 5%. Medicine calls this period the andropause, conducting an analogue with female menopause. As the level of testosterone and other hormones decreases gradually, many men do not notice any alarming symptoms and do not try to change anything. In this case, regular strength workouts, diet and use of a ...

Men’s health after childbirth

It has often stated that after the young woman becomes a mother, her libido is often reduced, and how things are going with the potency of men, after he became a father? No one will argue with the fact that such an important life event, like the birth of the child and worries arising from it have a significant impact on the sex life of both spouses. But men’s health after childbirth changes in its own way. How does birth of children influence men’s health in details? Their memory improves, sexual desire decreases, and the belly is growing. The experts decided to see why this is happening and whether it is a wide spread phenomenon or not. For decades, doctors and scientists have paid attention to female body transformation after pregnancy and childbirth.To this are dedicated numerous scientific papers, popular articles in magazines and documentaries. It seems that have already been studied all the topics related to the changes in the body after motherhood. Have been investigated hor...

The amazing properties of celery for men

Is celery for men important? To date, it’s no secret to anyone that celery has unique qualities that can strengthen and improve our health and well-being. But not everyone knows that, it turns out, celery for men is a unique vegetable! And that it is simply irreplaceable for the strong half of humanity. Let’s figure out, how come the celery root is useful for men. Celery as an aphrodisiac Celery for men as an aphrodisiac is an exceptionally effective remedy. This plant is inexpensive, natural and accessible all year round and useful not only for the sexual sphere. This “medicine” actually helps with specific male problems. Especially actual is celery as a natural Viagra now, when there is no escape from stress, bad ecology and general uncertainty in the future. Therefore, in modern society when everything is treated with pills, it is very important to eat celery. Men’s health will only benefit from this. This vegetable is a natural remedy with almost no contraindications and with a g...

Prostatitis treatment

In this article we will talk about prostatitis treatment and explain how to cure this illness. Nowadays everybody knows what is prostatitis but not every men know how to get rid of it. It is a big urological problem which – the formation of puffiness. Under the prostate is commonly understood a bag of muscle fibers and glandular structures located in a small pelvis that surrounds the urethra and the vas deferens. Against the backdrop of illness this pouch increases in size due to puffiness, presses the urethral canals, so one of the most pronounced symptoms is a feeling of pain during urination. It is important to do this under the guidance of medical personnel but in the prostatitis treatment can be used a variety of means. Also it is worth noting that this disease is curable and there are several ways for it. It is important to choose the right one for you and to hold the right course. The function of this gland is reduced to the development of a special secret which constitutes an...

What is best for production of testosterone during sleep?

What is best for production of testosterone during sleep? As you know, almost all sex hormones are produced while we’re sleeping in the stage of deep sleep. But when a man is awake, testosterone is either not produced at all, or an insignificant portion of it is produced. So, as you can easily conclude, it is important to ensure the most favorable sleeping conditions for maximum production of this extremely important agent. What should be done to ensure the maximum production of testosterone during sleep? Sleeping for how long is enough? Sleep for 6-8 hours daily. This is just as much as necessary for rest, but do not confuse this time with the total amount of time you spend in bed. We are talking about the time you are actually in a state of sleep. A deep stage is the time of production of testosterone during sleep. Scientists studying sleep, talk about the 5 stages, so-called sleep architecture. Basically during sleep you go through the cycles that last an hour and a half. The last...

Perfect weight for men

A lot of women worry about their weight but not men although they also do not mind to know the perfect weight for men. Tireless American scientists again confirmed the old truth about the “golden mean”. Any extremes in the struggle for an ideal body weight harm male health and sexual power. Excessive limitation of oneself in nutrition depletes the strength of the body. It inhibits the work of internal organs. Reduces the production of male hormones and sperm. These body-important body fluids are composed of a mass of ingredients that enter the body only with food. Accordingly, the food should be at least diverse. The same applies to the deliberate abandonment of certain products. This method gives a positive effect only for a short period of time. Then the body starts to pick up the missing substances by cunning. How does this usually happen? You begin to experience a brutal famine. And then either break and eat “forbidden” foods. And eat more than you need (in reserve) or you eat “al...

A very important role of zinc for potency

A very important role of zinc for potency. Zinc for potency is a simply irreplaceable trace element. Why? Testosterone is responsible for a high level of potency in our body. It is for its complete synthesis that the male organism needs this amazing trace element. What would happen if the level of zinc in the male organism gets low? The main consequence of low level of zinc will be a sharp decrease in the level of different testosterone produced and, as a consequence, weakening of sexual desire and potency. Besides this, the functions of the prostate gland will be strongly inhibited, which can provoke serious illnesses. The organism of an adult contains 1.5-2 g of zinc this is really a necessary metal for biochemical exchange. Our skin, hair, nails, liver, kidneys, retina of the eye contain a lot of it. In addition to the fact that zinc for potency is irreplaceable it is simply necessary for the process of cell division. With a decrease of its level, cell division slows down. We ...