Signs of low testosterone
It is well known to everybody that indicators of hormonal balance go down with age, but too low levels of androgens can greatly undermine health of the stronger sex representatives. Testosterone is a substance that makes a man manly, so maintaining the decent level of it in adulthood helps to strengthen muscles, bones, makes the voice deeper and increases libido. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to recognize the signs of low testosterone levels in order to seek qualified help in time and restore normal life and health. Usually testosterone levels in men are reduced by 1-3% per year after 30-35 years however, this process may start earlier, and its rate may increase to a significant 5%. Medicine calls this period the andropause, conducting an analogue with female menopause. As the level of testosterone and other hormones decreases gradually, many men do not notice any alarming symptoms and do not try to change anything. In this case, regular strength workouts, diet and use of a ...