Overview of Cialis Super Force
For those who cannot decide on the choice and decide whether it is better to buy Cialis or Dapoxetine we offer a tool that revolutionized the pharmacology and combines the properties of both drugs. Cialis Super Force not only solves your potency problem but also relieves the moral complexion in sexual relations, activates the hidden strength of the body and regains faith in yourself.
Generic Cialis + Dapoxetine (Tadalafil + Hydrochloride) is a combined drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It is used to treat severe symptoms of impotence, improves male endurance during intercourse.
How does the medicine affect the potency?
- The drug increases the elasticity of the erection;
- Accelerates the excitation of the body;
- Improves the endurance of the body during sex;
- Makes the acuteness of sexual sensations more pronounced;
- Prolongs sexual intercourse;
Release Form:
Tablet Cialis Super Force is a revolutionary drug in the world of pharmacology that is produced in India. In a survey of the newspaper The New York Times 2012 it is one of the 5 most effective drugs among top ED pills for treating the reproductive system of men of different ages.
Strength of 1 tablet of Cialis Super Force:
The drug consists of 2 active components, Tadalafil and Hydrochloride. The first component, Tadalafil is the active substance of Cialis and is used to dilate blood vessels in the penis, improves the flow of blood to it, thereby speeding up the excitement and strengthens the erection. The second component, Hydrochloride, is the active ingredient of Dapoxetine and is used to reduce the high sensitivity of the penis during sex. Reduces stress of the muscles of the pelvic day and prevents premature ejaculation. Simultaneous use of Cialis and Dapoxetine in one drug gives patients the opportunity to engage in rapid treatment of the reproductive system regardless of the severity of the disease. Tangible changes in health are observed after 20 minutes after taking 1 tablet and remain effective for the next 24 hours. During the whole action of the drug, the male body becomes capable of developing from 5 to 16 erections with a minimum duration of 20 minutes.
The optimal duration of erection is not established. On average, the duration of one sexual intercourse does not exceed much more than 1 hour. At the same time, the time for restoring an erection after ejaculation is reduced to a minimum and ranges from 10 to 20 minutes depending on the age and overall health of each individual.
What about Cialis Super Force dose then it is taken once a day, with the expectation of intimacy. Tablets are taken internally and washed down with water. The course of treatment is absent, remains on the discussion individually for each patient.
Opinion of specialists:
The composition of the drug does not have carcinogens so the use of Cialis Super Force tablets cannot, in any way, affect sperm or cause addiction. On the contrary, taking a medicine even by a physically healthy man will greatly improve the erection and improve the duration of intercourse. Note that the effectiveness of the drug is closely related to the age of men and its maximum strength of action is manifested in patients from 18 to 35 years. With age, it naturally fades but it works without fail. And it is forbidden to use only for men over 65 years of age.
Cialis Super Force contraindications:
- It is not recommended for men with lactose allergy, diabetics and men with a diagnosis of priapism.
- Men who have abnormalities in the anatomy of the penis.
- Patients who have tumor diseases.
- Hypertension, hypotension, men with a sick heart and various ailments of the endocrine system.
- If you doubt the health. Or previously engaged in treatment, any of the above listed diseases. Before you start taking pills – go to the doctor.
Do not take medicine with alcohol, the reaction of alcoholic beverages to Tadalafil may reduce the effect of the drug. It is also forbidden to use the medication together with other drugs in which nitrates were used – sleeping pills, painkillers and antibiotics. Their interaction with the active substances of Cialis Super Force can badly affect the rhythm of your blood pressure.
A Cialis Super Force overdose of the drug can cause dizziness and short-term drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea. Sometimes there is headache and pain in the lower back. All symptoms are mild and quickly pass after treatment ends. If you take the medicine and notice similar signs of malaise – stop taking the pills. And if possible do a medical examination. To summarize all comments and indications of doctors we can recommend you to buy Cialis Super Force if you want to get results are listed above.
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